Finance Ministry participates in Arab League’s Economic and Social Council meeting

Bahrain : On behalf of the Minister of Finance and National Economy, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy for Financial Affairs Yousef Abdullah Humood led Bahrain’s delegation to the 111th regular meeting of the Arab League’s Economic and Social Council, which convened today at the Arab League Secretariat General headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.The meeting spotlighted economic and social issues on its agenda, including a report on the implementation of the resolutions of the 110th session, investment in the Arab countries, upgrading the Arab food security strategy, creating the Arab food market, the Arab free trade zone and the Arab customs union.Discussions also focused on the adoption of a number of recommendations and resolutions related to the economic, social and development fields of the Arab region in order to achieve economic integration. The economic and social file submitted to the Arab League at the summit level in its thirty-second regular session, which will be hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was also approved.

BNA 090223