Public Prosecution highlights 2022 achievements

Bahrain : The Public Prosecution is planning to use artificial intelligence technology to speed up work and achievements.

The establishment of an electronic system supported by a legal database that includes criminal legislation, judicial rulings, instructions and regulatory decisions of the Public Prosecution will assist with carrying tasks, Attorney General Ali bin Fadl Al Buainain said at a press conference.

The database will include information related to cases in terms of the crime nature and type, personal information about the accused, including marital status, criminal record, and the subject matter of requests submitted by the concerned parties to the Public Prosecution.

The data is analyzed for specific and reliable results in dealing with cases or deciding on the requests of the concerned parties.

Al Buainian highlighted at the conference the achievements and initiatives of the Public Prosecution in 2022.

Initiatives and contributions to enhance efforts in human rights included activating its social initiative “Care” that it launched to participate in the national efforts to care for children, women and families.

The Public Prosecution signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation with the Nasser Center for Rehabilitation and Vocational Training to study the practical and technical requirements for the application of artificial intelligence technology in the work of the Public Prosecution.

The MoU includes training technical staff of the uses of the technology as a necessary initial step in this regard.

The Public Prosecution also contributed to the Kingdom’s preparations for the parliamentary and municipal elections by launching a yearlong program to acquaint officials with the electoral process, the legal regulations, the legal rights of the voters, violations and abuses that constitute crimes under the law, and ways to supervise the electoral process.

The program included members of the Public Prosecution, judges, employees of the authorities concerned with organizing the electoral process, judicial police officers, and civil society organizations.

The Public Prosecution in 2022 appointed female heads of prosecution offices and deputy heads of prosecution offices were appointed.

Their appointment was based on their experience and competence and in application of the principle of equal opportunities to empower women to take up their role in public life and within the scope of state institutions and agencies.
