The Super Heroes Amongst Us

Article By: Dr.Shemily P john

Bahrain : I have seen among the huge masses few
As damn hyper active, doing everything every single moment.
Alive to the core, vigorous and very careful about every single minute.
People mostly get intimidated by my over active ness. I am a person grabbing every single
Moment to do each and every thing, fulfilling tasks, making sure giving all my bests to
all and yes sharing all my words and expressions every single moment
Openly and sincerely.I have observed my kind of people caring their physique, looks
Enjoying the moment, completely on board. In fact I just love to see
These super humans and I admire them a lot.Including my family members, people are wild at my Hyperactive involvement and people around me
Few yes are getting inspired and transformed Consistently I am trying to change mind sets and perceptions With all my efforts to say loudly Please take care of yourself and enjoy every single moment of Your life. And please don’t hold your words, compliments and expressions! Do it Now. exert all your power and love those are there for you, around you, and The whole world.The secret behind these people are not any Enlightenment nor reincarnation.I know and observed and indulged Into these livesLike mine, they all had gone through a breath taking . Deadly time almost at the verge of leaving this
World. Once you come back to life .You can’t stop doing things .You can’t stop living and loving , Because you thought you were dead .Long time from now , I had an accident which had given me . The fear and notion of death From then am on the same pace of marathon race Fulfilling and doing everything this very moment Because I don’t want to lose or keep things for tomorrow. Life is for your today . Make sure you are living and keeping everyone alive With your bests . Words. Expressions and Actions.Be very careful that your health and physique is maintained. On a bed? Hospital? Khalas! Make sure you are perfectly alright emotionally and physically. Your pain is only yours, your fears can’t be shared, no one can share.
God bless you
Dr shemily p john .